Background: The Trauma is one of the most important health problems and a leading cause of death in 4th decade of life. Mortality due to accidents has a critical situation in Iran and mortality rate is increasing10-15% annually. Aim: To assess the relationship of shock index with trauma patient’s mortality after first 24 hours of admission at Khatam-al-Anbia Hospital in Iranshahr. Method A cross-sectional design was carried out on 240 traumatic patients to predict mortality of trauma patients after 24 hours of hospitalization at Khatam-Alanbia Hospital in Iranshahr. The shock Index is calculated by dividing heart rate on systolic blood pressure. The normal range is 0.5-0.7. SI was calculated at the beginning of admission to hospital and after 24 hours mortality was assessed. Data were analyzed with SPSS Software version 15, using logistic regression and Chi-square test. Results: 74.2% of trauma was due to accidents from which 38.3% experienced multi trauma. 2.1% of patients expired during 24 hours of admission. The minimum and maximum scores and mean of SI were 0.31, 59.1 and 0.71, respectively. There was a significant relationship between SI and mortality of trauma patients within 24 hours of hospitalization (P=0/000). The highest rate of mortality was seen in patients with SI higher than 0.9. Conclusion: The SI is a useful instrument for mortality prediction. So it is recommended to reduce errors in mortality prediction SI to be used along with other kinds of triage instruments.
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Heydari Khayat, N. , Sharifi Poor, H. and Mohammadinia, N. (2012). The relationship of shock index (SI) with trauma patients’ mortality after the first 24 hours of admission at Khatam-aL-Anbia Hospital in Iranshahr. Evidence Based Care, 2(3), 61-68. doi: 10.22038/ebcj.2012.412
Heydari Khayat, N. , , Sharifi Poor, H. , and Mohammadinia, N. . "The relationship of shock index (SI) with trauma patients’ mortality after the first 24 hours of admission at Khatam-aL-Anbia Hospital in Iranshahr", Evidence Based Care, 2, 3, 2012, 61-68. doi: 10.22038/ebcj.2012.412
Heydari Khayat, N., Sharifi Poor, H., Mohammadinia, N. (2012). 'The relationship of shock index (SI) with trauma patients’ mortality after the first 24 hours of admission at Khatam-aL-Anbia Hospital in Iranshahr', Evidence Based Care, 2(3), pp. 61-68. doi: 10.22038/ebcj.2012.412
N. Heydari Khayat , H. Sharifi Poor and N. Mohammadinia, "The relationship of shock index (SI) with trauma patients’ mortality after the first 24 hours of admission at Khatam-aL-Anbia Hospital in Iranshahr," Evidence Based Care, 2 3 (2012): 61-68, doi: 10.22038/ebcj.2012.412
Heydari Khayat, N., Sharifi Poor, H., Mohammadinia, N. The relationship of shock index (SI) with trauma patients’ mortality after the first 24 hours of admission at Khatam-aL-Anbia Hospital in Iranshahr. Evidence Based Care, 2012; 2(3): 61-68. doi: 10.22038/ebcj.2012.412